Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we Continue in the book of Revelation with Chapter 5 and in today's text we see the scroll and the lamb with the conclusion that the only one worthy of opening, looking, or reading the book of life is the Lamb God - Jesus Christ - He is the only one worthy because He was the one who redeemed us by His shed Blood on the Cross of Calvary. In applying this text to our life we can see He is Worthy - so we should make Him Lord over every aspect of our life. We should also give Him the praise and worship He deserves. How about you? Is Jesus the Lord over every aspect of your life? If not give Him the keys to every area of your life. We know he loves us and will meet our every need so we can trust Him. Knowing He is worthy should give us the confidence to walk by faith and submit everything to Him.