Each day we walk through the Bible chapter by chapter making an application of our text to help us grow in the Lord. Many applications can be made from each day's text. Today we Continue in the book of Revelation with Chapter 4 we see Worshiping God in Heaven around the Glorious Throne. In making application of today's text we get a glimpse of Heaven through the pen of John who recorded what the Lord wanted us to know about the Eternal Home for all the Saints of God. All of us who have been saved will call Heaven home but in the text we see it is not about us being there as much as it is about Jesus being there, We see the beauty, power, and majesty of this glorious place. The verse that stands out to me is verse 8 which states that God is Holy. The word Holy means perfection. God is Holy. His Holiness shows our need for a Savior. His Holiness should motivate us to to live right. His Holiness should cause us to praise and worship Him. How about you? What does God's Holiness mean to you? Does it cause you to repent of your sin? Does it cause you to live right? Does it cause you to praise and worship Him? Let us learn from our text today as we see He is worthy because He is Holy.